Matt & Cat's Isle of Wight eating out guide

With Matt and Cat's Dining Club you can get 5% off your bill at the Isobel Centre café, Pan *

Matt & Cat's Dining Club

Matt and Cat's Dining Club is a scheme where you can get discounts and offers at some of the best eating-out venues on the Isle of Wight. Club members buy a Dining Club card which gives them access to the deals. It's as simple as that! Matt and Cat's Dining Club also holds occasional dining events at venues across the Island.

Download a printable version of the offers and events here (pdf file).

  • The card is £25 for a year's membership, or £10 for a two-week visitor's card.
  • The offers normally apply to the cardholder plus one other diner, so you only need one card for two people.
  • Other special deals and offers will be sent through the email newsletter - some for cardholders, and some for everybody!
  • We'll also be organising special dining events at places we like, and inviting Dining Club members to come along and enjoy some of the best that the Island's eating out providers can offer.
  • Use of the card is subject to our terms and conditions.

Matt and Cat's newsletter

Wondering what you'd be getting? See a few previous newsletters here:

Want some more like that in your inbox? OK! Sign up.

Small print

Download these PDF documents if you want to read more, and yes, it includes the small print:

Want to know more, or get in touch? Contact Matt and Cat

Matt and Cat's Dining Club

Buy online right now!

Buy a new card for yourself here:

Card type
Card start date (optional)

Buy a new card for someone else here:

Card type
Card start date (optional)
Gift cardholder name

Gift cards will be sent to your address, unless you email us with any other instructions.


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*Dining Club offers are subject to restrictions and conditions, see here for full details.

Matt and Cat's Isle of Wight Eating Out Guide is published by

Pinkeye Graphics Ltd