Matt and Cat\'s Isle of Wight Eating Out Guide
Joe’s Bar, Niton

Joe’s Bar, Niton

Reviews 1

You must have heard us blather on about how folks on the Isle of Wight orientate themselves by where the post office used to be. One of Cat’s first experiences of being given directions followed a trail of landmarks that were no longer there; “Past where that old copper... Read more
Pulse Vegan Restaurant, Ventnor
There was a long-standing joke the gist of which was that a meat-free diet would cause an increase in methane emissions from all the gaseous fermented bean-trumps leaching through the velvet bell-bottoms of those hippy vegans and vegetarians. Turns out that the joke’s on the other foot. Meat and... Read more
Twelve Course Vegan Tasting Menu at Quay Arts
Cat’s a bit of a vegan-dabbler, although it will take a lot to turn Matt’s head away from sausages. Talking of which, we were delighted to have it further confirmed that vegan food needn’t be sawdusty fauxages. When in the supremely talented hands of Quay Arts chef Dave Holley,... Read more
ADA Meze Kitchen, Carisbrooke
You’ll have heard us harp on about how Ryde is the international cuisine capital of the Island with its varied world food offerings. But what’s this? Is sleepy Carisbrooke snapping at its heels? The village is already home to one of our favourite English pub roasts, plus what must... Read more
Top five places for vegetarian and vegan dining on the Isle of Wight
These days denying yourself is the new hedonism. Where we used to brag about how much our houses were worth and chunter on about our exotic foreign holidays, now it’s all about staycationing and the hair-shirtism of Dry January. Around the world people are woke to the nightmare of... Read more
Plant-based Dining at Ventnor Botanic Garden
Veganism is the new black. Or something. Certainly there has been an upswell of interest in cutting meat out of one’s diet – but dairy too? Is that a step too far? Although fish is usually on the menu at the Edulis restaurant in VBG, Chef Brad Roe used... Read more
Ryde Tandoori

Ryde Tandoori

Reviews 0

Although we don’t claim to have our fingers on the pulse of all the zeitgeisty food fashions, a recent trip to Bristol showed us that ‘raw’ food, sliders and nose-to-tail eating are still very much on the mainland’s (artfully-chipped enamelled) plate. Islandside, we’re all over The Rise of the... Read more
Can we do it? Yes, vegan!
The last time Cat lost this much weight in a week she was suffering from a particularly nasty bout of food poisoning. Take it from us, an attack of campylobacter can seriously deplete the body’s reserves and cause discomfort for days. However, this week Cat shed four pounds not... Read more
Ada Mediterranean Kitchen, Ryde
We’ve been around the block. But it’s not just us; hell, even you’re looking a bit crinkly around the eyes these days. Laughter lines or too many late nights? That’s your secret and who are we to judge? We’re usually burning the midnight oil noshing our way to bedtime... Read more
Newport Street Food Market

Newport Street Food Market

Reviews 4th September 2017 6

We’ve worked in Newport for years. Years and years. We’ve seen them come and we’ve seen some of them go. Island Images, Mill Bay II, House of Legends, El Patron – all gone. The Farmer’s Market prevails but the alternative Country Market or, as it became known colloquially –... Read more