Matt and Cat\'s Isle of Wight Eating Out Guide
One Holyrood, Newport
As is the modern way, Matt and Cat wear several hats. As well as their eating out hobby which takes up considerable time, they also have day jobs. Juggling all of their activities is part of what the neologists call portfolio working. Running a business from a smartphone is... Read more
Pizza Hut, Newport

Pizza Hut, Newport

Reviews 0

Social mobility is the thing. These days, we British like to imagine we’ve left the chains of class behind us, but of course, a faint rattling can still be heard. And sometimes not so faint. Take that ubiquitous eating out experience: pizza. You might imagine that the lowest common... Read more
Thompson’s, Newport

Thompson’s, Newport

Reviews 6

Well, what do you know – the boy has done it again. He’s only gone and opened a restaurant right in the middle of Newport. What, Newport? Seriously, the place where there are two Wetherspoons? That’s the one. Not only that, but in a former cafe overlooking the bus... Read more
Coffee Room at Skintrade, Newport
Guinness World Records is an astonishing institution. Under what other circumstances would the oldest ever person, the world’s longest human nose and Norma Stitz’s …ahem… assets appear in the same publication? And how about that perennial favourite world record: how many women can be squeezed into a Mini? What... Read more
The Man in the Moon, Newport
The J D Wetherspoon chain is to pubs what Lidl is to supermarkets. Once decried, the opening of a Spoons was seen as part of the erosion of the traditional English town pub; driving down standards and cheapening neighbourhoods. These days, the sneerers have gone very quiet. Like Lidl... Read more
Burr’s, Newport

Burr’s, Newport

Reviews 6th October 2014 5

The other day Cat was tidying her wardrobe. At the front were a pair of holographic leggings, a pair of impractical skyscraper platforms and a silver biker jacket. Stuffed at the back was an old stripy jumper. This sweater, historic enough to be referred to as vintage, is Cat’s... Read more
This is an archive review. Urban Diner is now closed.  Ah bless the Isle of Wight, so steadfastly stuck in the middle ages. Or at least the middle of the twentieth century, if you believe the laziest of stereotypes. No, you don’t need a passport. Yes, there is a... Read more
2014 will go down in history as the year the Isle of Wight was served its last bender in a bun. Local businessman and franchisee Wayne Whittle removed the final Wimpy sign at his beachside burger bar, and rebranded the venue The Big Kahuna. And thus all things pass.... Read more
Seafood Corner, Newport
Although there are a couple of pretty fine restaurants in town, Newport’s food offering is primarily geared towards lunches. From about midday, office workers can be found insouciantly perusing the menu in Olivo in the way that only those with more than the statutory half an hour break can... Read more
It’s amazing how many people think that they are a ‘natural’ at something. For every warbling show-off who imagines that their dreary back-story and falsetto interpretation of ‘Oops I Did It Again’ on Britain’s Got Asthma is the route to instant glory, there are thousands of people who know... Read more