Matt and Cat\'s Isle of Wight Eating Out Guide
Deep South Social, Ryde

Deep South Social, Ryde

Reviews 0

The distinction between street food and takeaway could simply be semantics. By literal definition, a takeaway is eaten away from its place of origin – perhaps your home or car. Whereas street food is consumed… well, on the street, alongside where it was created, whether that’s a hot dog... Read more
Da Vinci, Newport

Da Vinci, Newport

Reviews 0

When we started writing our eating out guide, the main thrust (apart from making our dining experiences more diverse) was to help people make informed choices about where to spend their hard-earned. Nobody wants to waste money on a poor or indifferent meal. Nothing worse than forking out for... Read more
Chia Wing, Newport

Chia Wing, Newport

Reviews 0

Matt can trace his own love of eating out back to his parents, who bravely managed to take their offspring to enough dining-out venues that some vague idea of how to behave therein was instilled in them – no mean feat in the 1970s and 80s when children in... Read more
Cantina, Ventnor

Cantina, Ventnor

Reviews 0

Cantina has, in the past, been one of our favourite venues ever. When it arrived in Ventnor, around the time Robert Thompson was winning the Isle of Wight’s only Michelin star of the millennium, it brought an unexpected taste of trendy London cafe life to the sleepy seaside town,... Read more
The Lounge at Monkton Arts, Ryde
One thing the global pandemic has taught many of us is how to be flexible. Today the government announced the possibility of a ‘last resort’ lockdown to thwart a winter wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. For some, this might simply mean business as usual; laptop ensconced on the dining... Read more
Sandown Boulevard

Sandown Boulevard

Reviews 0

What if a few food wagons got together and made a food court, where you could just go along and choose from a range of takeaway food? This is an idea that is popular on the mainland – even as close as Southsea – but despite a few valiant... Read more
Seaview Pizza Kitchen

Seaview Pizza Kitchen

Reviews 0

Gorblimey! Now we know how Mary and Joseph felt a week or so before Christmas. (Christmas? Perhaps it was simply known as ‘Mas’ back then.) Trying to get dinner without a reservation at the height of the Island’s staycationing summer might be considered to be misfortune, to aspire to... Read more
The Hambrough, Ventnor

The Hambrough, Ventnor

Reviews 0

You’ve got to have some sympathy for The Hambrough. Everything the venue subsequently does is compared to its early triumph with Robert Thompson at the helm. The talented chef won the Isle of Wight’s only Michelin star this millennium at The Hambrough in 2006, aged just 23, before going... Read more
The Heron, Ryde

The Heron, Ryde

Reviews 3

The Isle of Wight has its own annually-spinning merry-go-round. Year after year, summer follows spring; in non-pandemic times we would be gearing up for the Garlic Festival, Ryde scooter rally, Pride, local carnivals and other fixtures on the Island’s perpetual calendar. But, for the second year in a row,... Read more
Sweet Charlie’s, Newport
Over the long, long months, even years of the COVID-19 crisis we’ve been consistently amazed and delighted by the spirit and optimism of the Island’s food and hospitality venues. Not just keeping open in difficult circumstances, some restaurateurs have even gone so far as to set up entirely new... Read more