Matt and Cat\'s Isle of Wight Eating Out Guide

Crown Hotel, Ryde

4th October 2009 6

As summer 2009 fades, memories of the carnival, Twestival and Bestival gradually disperse like the seeds of a dandelion clock. Fortunately for the organised Matt and Cat their impression of a Bank Holiday breakfast at the Crown Hotel, Ryde will not dissipate so easily as it can be recalled... Read more
Matt and Cat have made several false-starts when attempting to review the food at the Springvale Hotel and Restaurant. Being in their manor, the venue often came up on their radar when thinking about places to eat. However, when poised on the hotel’s doorstep, there had always been something... Read more
Lakeside Park Hotel, Wootton Bridge
The heroes swaggered through the huge glass doors and entered the gleaming, modernist palace. Spectacular lamps – several feet long – hung over the polished bar. Smartly dressed flunkies shimmered into view and escorted the reviewers to a table with views over the shallow lake, reflecting the twinkle from a... Read more

Lugley’s, Newport

10th August 2008 9

Matt and Cat like to think of themselves as ‘of the people’ and, unlike other less popular Island on-line eating out guides (you didn’t even know there were any others, did you?), they are happy to try any size of venue from the humble to the salubrious. Often they... Read more
Archive review: the Windmill Inn has now closed.  The population of Bembridge may double during the summer months as second-home-owners descend on the village to go sailing, catch up with their metropolitan friends who are DFL (Down From London) and eat out in the local bars and restaurants. One... Read more

Marine Hotel, Ryde

21st August 2007 8

On the verge of cooking up a delicious tuna carbonara, shallots quartered, red pepper sliced and mushrooms randomly hacked – Cat received a phone call from Matt. Pals of theirs had invited them to curry night at the Marine Hotel, Ryde. Never turning down the chance to eat out,... Read more
Yelf’s Hotel, Ryde
There’s something quite satisfying about an establishment that has not succumbed to the refurbishment fashions of stripped wooden floors, strategically placed ‘objets’ and sunken lighting. Yelf’s Hotel in Ryde retains its old skool charm – demonstrating that carpets, a staff dress code and crooning Tony Bennett piped through the... Read more

Farringford, Freshwater

2nd January 2007 5

So, Matt and Cat boast reviews of “the most modest of burger vans to the grandest hotel restaurants”. Burger vans have been covered, but what of those grand hotels? Farringford, Freshwater Cat and Matt had some money for Christmas which they decided to invest at the Poshest Location Yet... Read more